100 kms de millau ..............

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DSCN1861.JPGDSCN1840.JPGDSCN1832.JPGDSCN1831.JPGl'affaire est simple il n'y aura cette année que deux féminines qui représenteront coeur à coeur sur le 100 de millau .

Martine et la zoomette .

Le challenge est clair .Martine souhaite pulvériser le chrono  de roger et la zoomette finir en forme avec le sourire .....

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Deeply cleaning involves everything you could would generally do on a light, fresh, but having some bonuses thrown in for good gauge. For case, this is the spot that the furniture ought to be moved to obtain at those much harder to get to areas. Both the underside in addition to rear types of surface of furniture should likewise be wiped clean.